Career Co-op Diploma Packages (jon copy apr 13)

LCC Co-op programs are perfect for students who want to improve their business or teaching knowledge and get Canadian work experience.

The programs have two parts:

  • Full time study for at least 24 weeks (up to 1 year) and a post-work tutorial
  • Work experience for the same length of time in hours as full-time study

Students can also choose from a variety of Co-op focus options in their areas of interest.

Click here to learn more

English Level Requirement

Students must have at least *CLB level 5 [Intermediate] in order to take Career Co-op Diploma Program. If your level is lower than CLB 5, you will start with our Business Diploma Program.

*Canadian Language Benchmark Test /Check LCC Level Chart

  • Complete the following registration steps (1 to 5)

    Step 1

    * CLB: Canadian Language Benchmarks. Please check the Eligibility Criteria the above.

    Step 2

    • $
    • $

    Step 3

    • $
    • $

    Step 4

    Choose one of the following elective and payment options.

    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM): (for level 6+) 520 hours of study

    Intensive English (AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (520 hours of study) AM Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 8 weeks
    Lunch Break

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 6 months (520 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,710 (Tuition fee $4,230 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options:

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM): (for level 6+) 560 hours of study

    Intensive English (AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (560 hours of study) AM Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM) - [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks
    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma - 8 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 6 months (560 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,750 (Tuition fee $4,320 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options:

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM)

    Intensive English (AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (620 hours of study) AM Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 16 weeks
    Lunch Break

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 6 months (620 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,700 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options:

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM)

    Professional Communication and Marketing (AM) + Academic English(PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (612 hours of study) AM

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM) - 24 weeks

    [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    Academic English [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Work for 6 months (612 hours of study) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,650 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,820)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    International Business Management Skills

    International Business Management Skills (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (560 hours of study) AM

    International Business Management Skills (IBMS1 - AM) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks

    Work for 6 months (560 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,750 (Tuition fee $4,320 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,590 and 2nd payment $2,160)

    International Business Management Skills

    International Business Management Skills (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (520 hours of study) AM

    Intensive English - 8 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 6 months (520 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,710 (Tuition fee $4,230 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,550 and 2nd payment $2,160)

    International Business Management Skills

    International Business Management Skills (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (700 hours of study) AM

    International Business Management Skills (IBMS1 - AM) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 16 weeks

    Work for 6 months (700 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,830 (Tuition fee $5,400 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,860 and 2nd payment $2,970)

    International Business Management Skills

    Intensive English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (620 hours of study) AM

    Intensive English -16 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 6 months (620 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,700 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,820 and 2nd payment $2,880)

    International Business Management Skills 

    Academic English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (612 hours of study) AM

    Academic English [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]

    Work for 6 months (612 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $5,650 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,820)

    International Business Management Skills

    International Business Management Skills (AM) + Academic English (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (612 hours of study) AM

    International Business Management Skills (IBMS1 - AM) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    Academic English [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Work for 6 months (612 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,650 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,820)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Global Tourism

    Intensive English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (520 hours of study) AM Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]- 8 weeks
    Lunch Break
    PM Global Tourism (GTD) Diploma - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    Work for 6 months (520 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,710 (Tuition fee $4,230 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,550 and 2nd payment $2,160)

    Global Tourism

    Intensive English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (620 hours of study) AM Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]- 16 weeks
    Lunch Break
    PM Global Tourism (GTD) Diploma - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    Work for 6 months (620 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,700 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,880)

    Global Tourism

    Academic English (AM) +  Global Tourism (PM) (Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (612 hours of study) AM Academic English [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks OFF
    Lunch Break
    PM Global Tourism (GTD) Diploma [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]- 24 weeks
    Work for 6 months (612 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,650 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,820)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Leadership Preparation Diploma

    Leadership Preparation Diploma  (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 6 months (560 hours of study) AM

    Leadership Preparation Diploma (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma [12:30 PM - 3:00 AM] - 8 weeks

    Work for 6 months (560 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $4,750 (Tuition fee $4,320 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments  (1st payment  $2,590 and 2nd payment $2,160)

    Leadership Preparation Diploma

    Leadership Preparation Diploma  (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (612 hours of study) AM

    Leadership Preparation Diploma (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    Academic English [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Work for 6 months (612 hours of study) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,650 (Tuition fee $5,220 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $2,830 and 2nd payment $2,820)

    Leadership Preparation Diploma

    Leadership Preparation Diploma  (AM) + Business Diploma (PM) (Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 6+6 Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 6 months (700 hours of study) AM

    Leadership Preparation Diploma (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma [12:30 PM - 3:00 AM] - 16 weeks

    Work for 6 months (700 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program. ***4 weeks gap between study and work term (optional)***
    Total $5,830 (Tuition fee $5,400 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments  (1st payment  $2,860 and 2nd payment $2,970)
    • 5700 $
    • 2830 $
    • 5650 $
    • 2830 $
    • 5700 $
    • 2820 $
    • 5650 $
    • 2830 $
    • 5830 $
    • 2860 $
    • 5700 $
    • 2820 $
    • 5650 $
    • 2830 $
    • 5650 $
    • 2830 $
    • 5830 $
    • 2860 $
    • 5650 $
    • 2830 $
    • 4710 $
    • 2550 $
    • 4710 $
    • 2550 $
    • 4750 $
    • 2590 $
    • 4750 $
    • 2590 $
    • 4710 $
    • 2550 $
    • 4750 $
    • 2590 $

    Step 5

    All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. If a class is cancelled, students must choose another course which is currently offered. They cannot simply omit the course.

    • 0 $

    8+8 timeline

    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM)

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(PM)
    (Start-up)(Elective)(Main Diploma)

    Co-op program8+8MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4+First 8 weeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months
    (760 hours of study)
    Intensive English elective - 16 weeks
    [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM) - 24 weeks
    [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 8 months
    (744 hours of work)
    - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,780 (Tuition fee $6,300 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,405 and 2nd payment $3,375)

    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM3)

    Business Diploma(PM)+ Professional Communication and Marketing(EVE) + IELTS Test Preparation (PM)
    (Start-up)(Main Diploma)(Elective)

    Co-op program8+8MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4/5+First 8 weeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months
    (752 hours of work)

    IELTS Test Preparation elective -24 weeks
    [4:00 PM - 6:00 PM]


    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM3)- 24 weeks
    [6:30 PM - 9:30 PM]

    Work for 8 months
    (752 hours of work)
    - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,730 (Tuition fee $6,300 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,250 and 2nd payment $3,480)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    International Business Management Skills

    Business Diploma(PM) + International Business Management Skills(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL prep (PM)(Start-up)(Main Diploma)(Elective)
    Co-op program 8+8 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ First 8 weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months (748 hours of work)

    International Business Management Skills (IBMS1 - AM) -24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma elective [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]- 8 weeks and then

    TOEFL Preparation [1:00pm-3:00pm] -6 weeks

    Work for 8 months (748 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,325 (Tuition fee $5895 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,220 and 2nd payment $3,105)

    International Business Management Skills

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + International Business Management Skills(PM)(Start-up)(Elective)(Main Diploma)
    Co-op program 8+8 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ First 8 weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months (760 hours of work)

    Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 16 weeks

    Lunch Break

    International Business Management Skills (IBMS2)- 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

    Work for 8 months (744 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,780 (Tuition fee $6,300 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,405 and 2nd payment $3,375)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Global Tourism

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + Global Tourism (PM)
    (Start-up)(Elective)(Main Diploma)

    Co-op program8+8MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4+First 8 weeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months
    (760 hours of study)
    Intensive English elective - 16 weeks
    [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks
    [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    Work for 8 months
    (744 hours of work)
    - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,780 (Tuition fee $6,300 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,405 and 2nd payment $3,375)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Leadership Preparation Diploma

    Business Diploma(PM) + Leadership Preparation Diploma(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL prep (PM)
    (Start-up)(Main Diploma)(Elective)

    Co-op program8+8MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4+First 8 weeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months
    (748 hours of work)

    Leadership Preparation Diploma [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then

    TOEFL Preparation [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 6 weeks

    Work for 8 months
    (748 hours of work)
    - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,325 (Tuition fee $5,895 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,220 and 2nd payment $3,105)

    Leadership Preparation Diploma

    Business Diploma(PM) + Leadership Preparation Diploma(AM) + Test Preparation (PM)(Start-up)(Main Diploma)(Elective)

    Co-op program8+8MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4/5+First 8 weeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm]
    Study for 8 months
    (752 hours of work)

    Leadership Preparation Diploma [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]- 24 weeks

    Lunch Break

    Test Preparation elective [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM]- 24 weeks

    Work for 8 months
    (752 hours of work)
    - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $6,730 (Tuition fee $6,300 + Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $3,250 and 2nd payment $3,480)
    • 6780 $
    • 3405 $
    • 6780 $
    • 3405 $
    • 6730 $
    • 3250 $
    • 6325 $
    • 3220 $
    • 6780 $
    • 3405 $
    • 6730 $
    • 3250 $
    • 6325 $
    • 3220 $
    • 6730 $
    • 3250 $

    Step 5

    All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. If a class is cancelled, students must choose another course which is currently offered. They cannot simply omit the course.

    • 0 $
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Marketing and Tourism

    Intensive English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (990 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Intensive English - 12 weeks [9:30 PM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (990 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,445 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,215 and 2nd payment $4,230)

    Marketing and Tourism

    Academic English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 12 months (984 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Academic English - 18 weeks [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] OFF
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (984 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,395 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,230)

    Marketing and Tourism

    Academic English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) + Global Tourism (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 12 months (984 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks (the first 6 months) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    Academic English - 18 weeks [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] Off
    2nd Diploma Global Tourism (GTD) -24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (984 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,395 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,230)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Management and Tourism

    Intensive English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) + International Business Management Skills (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (990 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Intensive English - 12 weeks [9:30 PM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM)-24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (990 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,445 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,215 and 2nd payment $4,230)

    Management and Tourism

    International Business Management Skills(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL(PM) + Global Tourism (PM) (1st Diploma)(Elective)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (1028 hours of Study) 1st Diploma International Business Management Skills - (IBMS1 - AM)-24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
    TOEFL Preparation [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 6 weeks OFF
    2nd Diploma Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (1028 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,485 (Tuition fee $8055+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,320)

    Management and Tourism

    Academic English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) + Global Tourism (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 12 months (984 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Academic English - 18 weeks [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] OFF
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM)-24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (984 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,395 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,230)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Marketing and Management

    Intensive English (AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM) + International Business Management Skills (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (990 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Intensive English - 12 weeks [9:30 PM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM2) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills - (IBMS1 - AM)-24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (990 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,445 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,215 and 2nd payment $4,230)

    Marketing and Management

    International Business Management Skills (AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(1st Diploma)(Elective)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (1028 hours of Study) 1st Diploma International Business Management Skills - (IBMS1 - AM)-24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
    TOEFL Preparation [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 6 weeks OFF
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (1028 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,485 (Tuition fee $8055+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,320)

    Marketing and Management

    Intensive English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (990 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Intensive English - 12 weeks [9:30 PM - 12:00 PM]
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2 - PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (990 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,445 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,215 and 2nd payment $4,230)

    Marketing and Management

    Academic English (AM) + International Business Management Skills (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 12 months (984 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Academic English - 18 weeks [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] OFF
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2- PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1)-24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM](remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (984 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,395 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,230)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Management and Leadership

    Leadership Preparation Diploma(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL(PM) + International Business Management Skills (AM)(1st Diploma)(Elective)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 12 months (1028 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Leadership Preparation Diploma (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
    TOEFL Preparation [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 6 weeks OFF
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills - (IBMS1 - AM)-24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (1028 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,485 (Tuition fee $8055+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,320)

    Marketing and Management

    Academic English (AM) + International Business Management Skills(PM) + Leadership Preparation Diploma (AM)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 12+12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 12 months (984 hours of Study) 1st Diploma Academic English - 18 weeks [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] OFF
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills - (IBMS2- PM) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Leadership Preparation Diploma (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM](remaining 6 months)
    Work for 12 months (984 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $8,395 (Tuition fee $7,965+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,165 and 2nd payment $4,230)
    • 8445 $
    • 4215 $
    • 8395 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8445 $
    • 4215 $
    • 8485 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8395 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8445 $
    • 4215 $
    • 8485 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8445 $
    • 4215 $
    • 8395 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8485 $
    • 4165 $
    • 8395 $
    • 4165 $

    Step 5

    All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. If a class is cancelled, students must choose another course which is currently offered. They cannot simply omit the course.

    • 0 $

    14+14 timeline

    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Start up + Marketing and Tourism

    Business Diploma (PM) +Intensive English (AM) + Global Tourism (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing (PM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)

    Co-op program14+14MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 4+Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study)First 8 WeeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st DiplomaIntensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks
    [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd DiplomaProfessional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks
    [12:30 pm - 3:00 pm] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work)- The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)


    Start up + Marketing and Tourism

    Business Diploma (PM) +Academic English (PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(AM) + Global Tourism  (PM)(Start-up)(Elective)    (1st Diploma) (2nd Diploma)

    Co-op program14+14MonTueWedThuFri
    Required English Level: 6+Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study)First 8 WeeksBusiness Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]OFF
    1st DiplomaProfessional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Academic English [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] - 18  weeks
    2nd DiplomaGlobal Tourism (GTD)
    [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 24 weeks
    (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work)- The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied.
    - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,475 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,860)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Start up + Management and Tourism

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + Global Tourism(PM) + International Business Management Skills(AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)

    Start up + Management and Tourism

    Business Diploma(PM) +International Business Management Skills(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL(PM) + Global Tourism(PM)(Start-up)(1st Diploma)(Elective)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
     Test Preparation - 6 weeks [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] OFF
    2nd Diploma Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,565 (Tuition fee $9,135+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,950)

    Start up + Management and Tourism

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + International Business Management Skills(PM) +  Global Tourism(PM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills (IBMS2) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)

    Start up + Management and Tourism

    Business Diploma(PM) +Academic English(AM) + Global Tourism(PM) +  International Business Management Skills(AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma  Academic English [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] - 18 weeks OFF
    Lunch Break
    Global Tourism (GTD) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (remaining 6 months) (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,475 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,860)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Start up + Marketing and Management

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(PM) + International Business Management Skills(PM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM2) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045 + Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)

    Start up + Marketing and Management

    Business Diploma(PM) + International Business Management Skills(AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL(PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(PM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
    2nd Diploma TOEFL Preparation - 6 weeks [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] OFF
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,565 (Tuition fee $9,135+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,950)

    Start up + Marketing and Management

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + International Business Management Skills(PM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills (IBMS2) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM1) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)

    Start up + Marketing and Management

    Business Diploma(PM) + Academic English(AM) + Professional Communication and Marketing(PM) + International Business Management Skills(AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 6+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Academic English [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM] - 18 weeks OFF
    Lunch Break
    Professional Communication and Marketing (PCM2) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,475 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,860)
    Monday - Friday Full Time Classes

    Start up + Management and Leadership

    Business Diploma(PM) + Intensive English(AM) + International Business Management Skills(AM) + Leadership Preparation(AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 4+ Study for 14 months (1130 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Intensive English [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] - 12 weeks
    Lunch Break
    International Business Management Skills (IBMS2) - 24 weeks [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    2nd Diploma Leadership Preparation (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1130 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,525 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Text books $50 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,665 and 2nd payment $4,860)

    Start up + Management and Leadership

    Business Diploma (PM) + International Business Management Skills (AM) + Business Diploma & TOEFL (PM) + Leadership Preparation (AM)(Start-up)(Elective)(1st Diploma)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 5+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
    Business Diploma elective (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM] - 8 weeks and then
     TOEFL Preparation - 6 weeks [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] OFF
    2nd Diploma Leadership Preparation (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,565 (Tuition fee $9,135+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,950)

    Start up + Management and Leadership

    Business Diploma (PM) + Leadership Preparation (AM) + TOEFL Preparation (PM) + International Business Management Skills (AM)(Start-up)(1st Diploma)(Elective)(2nd Diploma)
    Co-op program 14+14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Required English Level: 7+ Study for 14 months (1124 hours of study) First 8 Weeks Business Diploma (BDP) [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]
    1st Diploma Leadership Preparation (LPD) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (the first 6 months)
    Lunch Break
     TOEFL Preparation - 18 weeks [1:00 PM - 3:00 PM] OFF
    2nd Diploma International Business Management Skills (IBMS1) - 24 weeks [9:30 AM - 12:00 PM] (remaining 6 months)
    Work for 14 months (1124 hours of work) - The maximum number of hours you can work during your co-op work term is equal to the total number of hours you studied. - Your work placement must utilize the skills and training acquired in your co-op program.
    Total $9,475 (Tuition fee $9,045+ Administrative fee $180 + Co-op Registration fee $250)
    Select payment options: **Two Installments (1st payment $4,615 and 2nd payment $4,860)
    • 9525 $
    • 4665 $
    • 9225 $
    • 4615 $
    • 9525 $
    • 4665 $
    • 9315 $
    • 4615 $
    • 9525 $
    • 4665 $
    • 9225 $
    • 4615 $
    • 9525 $
    • 4665 $
    • 9315 $
    • 4615 $
    • 9525 $
    • 4665 $
    • 9225 $
    • 4615 $
    • 9275 $
    • 4415 $
    • 9315 $
    • 4365 $
    • 9225 $
    • 4365 $

    Step 5

    All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. If a class is cancelled, students must choose another course which is currently offered. They cannot simply omit the course.

    • $

    Payment Details

    * The Co-op registration fee a $250 (non-refundable) is included. If your elective is Intensive English, your price includes a  $50 fee for textbooks.
    ** If you select the two installment payment option, you will pay your 2nd payment in the first week of classes.